Sisters of the Heart

Welcome to my new blog! It’s been a long time coming. In my 60’s now, I feel like I’m starting over in life. Like most people my age, I’ve experienced both heart wrenching tragedies and overwhelming joy. I’ve overcome many challenges to achieve goals I set in my youth. Yet, I have many more goals and dreams to realize.

Three tools I’ve always carried with me along this journey are books, pens and paintbrushes. As a child, books opened doors into other worlds, allowing me to escape family trauma. Throughout the years books have stoked my curiosity, fed my imagination and allowed me to gain insights from different perspectives from all across the globe. Writing poetry and stories led to my journaling and writing essays. Several years ago, I penned a column for The Berkeley Daily Planet. I wrote about racism, sexism, politics, parenting and many other social/cultural issues.  I often incorporate words into my mixed media paintings that contribute to both my own healing and the healing of various societal ills.

This blog will serve to explore my personal history and how I’ve used creativity to interact with the world around me. Unfortunately, much of the discrimination and prejudice I experienced growing up in the 60’s and 70’s still exists today. However, I also see many changes. Our society continues to transform, particularly in how we define ourselves and our relationships with others. And that’s a good thing.

Thank you for taking the time to read my words.

Paula deJoie